How to Prolong the Life of Your AC Unit

Whether you’re purchasing a standalone AC unit or a central AC unit, air conditioners are a significant investment – but a worthwhile one! Since AC units can be costly, it’s important to try to extend their life as long as possible. What’s the best way to do that? Simply put, take care of it. Like other types of equipment, air conditioners need care and maintenance. With care, you can expect your unit to last an average of 10-15 years, although some models have been known to make to about 20 with routine maintenance. Here are a few tips to ensure you get the most out of your unit.

Outdoor AC Units

If you have an outdoor AC unit, you should make sure to place it in a cool, shady spot. Being in a cool location (for example, on the shady side of your home) will help the unit work less, which will prolong its lifespan. However, be sure that there isn’t too much grass or debris surrounding it. AC units need ventilation to work properly and keep the air following smoothly. Yard debris can block the vents and make the unit work twice as hard.

How To Prolong The Life Of Your AC Unit

If your unit is in a clear spot, you should check the area around it periodically. While it may have been clear when it was first installed, storms, windy days, or seasonal changes can cause debris to collect. If there are any blockages around the vents, turn the power off and clear them away. It’s also an excellent idea to schedule a regular cleaning and maintenance appointment once or twice a year.

Central AC Units

One of the most important things you can do for your central AC unit is to replace the air filters regularly.   A dirty air filter will make your AC work harder than it needs to – which leads to higher electricity bills, premature repairs, and a shorter lifespan. Air filters should be checked monthly and replaced every 30 – 60 days.

The ducts for your central HVAC system push the conditioned air from the heating and cooling units in your home. Dirty air ducts can lessen the efficiency of your unit. Likewise, leaks, gaps, loose seams, or obstructions in the ducts can allow cool air to escape before it reaches the rooms of your home, which can make the unit work harder to cool your home. Ducts should be inspected regularly and should have adequate insulation.The bottom line is, treat your AC unit well and it will provide many years of cool, comfortable air for you. If it’s been a while since your AC unit has had maintenance, schedule a service call with our expert technicians. We can check the health of your unit, replace filters, clean ducts, and more. We also offer a planned maintenance agreement, the easiest way to keep up with your AC maintenance. We’ll come out twice a year and perform a wide range of maintenance and inspections on your system. You’ll also receive a 10% discount on all repairs, no after-hours charges, and priority service! Schedule your appointment today by calling 864-639-2424.